During my exploration of nighttime photography, a profound sense of eerieness would wash over me as I stared into a dimly lit subject amongst a sea of black night. The artificial light and mystery of the scene help to create a distinct sense of place. Sometimes there are people to join me, maybe only one, sometimes there a none, but no matter how many, there always seems to be a feeling of loneliness, as if I’m just surveying the scene and no one else can see or feel me there. This collection of photos aims to capture that unique and fleeting feeling. Furthermore, a notable feature of these photographs is the use of pastel blues and pinks in each scene. Some of these colors occur naturally in the photograph, others through manipulation; however, it is not often that you observe these colors in artificial lighting at night. These two colors are opposites in society, one more masculine and the other feminine. One is more cool and the other warmer. In addition to being an aesthetic exploration of how the two colors compliment and play off each other, I included the colors in each photograph to highlight the beauty that two opposites can create when combined and hopefully turn a formerly eerie scene into one of wonder or mystery.


Paper Dolls

