In contemporary society, the world of fashion has become oversaturated by the desire to mass-produce, mass market, and amass profit; individuality and expression have become an afterthought. This project serves not only to attempt to highlight individualism and critique mass production in popular fashion but also to explore the duality that exists between the two. My photographs strive to point out this sort of irony. Whenever you go to buy a new shirt, jacket, or pair of jeans, your first thought isn’t exactly the hundreds of other people who have bought that exact same article of clothing, it’s the thought that that piece is now uniquely yours. Although fashion has developed as an art form of its own and serves as a form of individual expression, the emphasis on mass production and consumerism from recent producers and brands has stripped much of the personality from an article of clothing. I hope to highlight this sense of consumerism with the use of the cut-out or collage-like effect on many of my photos, almost as if someone looking through a magazine cut out the pieces of clothing they liked. Furthermore, I use repetition in many of my photos to suggest the use of mass production within the fashion industry.



